| Type | Paper/Book Title | Name of Journal/Book | | Year | | | By |
1 | Book | प्राचीन एवं भक्तिकालीन काव्य | प्राचीन एवं भक्तिकालीन काव्य | | 2023 | Any Other | National | Dr. Ankita Bora |
2 | Journal | Vegetation analysis of tree layer of temperate Himalayan forest: A case study of Kotdwara-Ranichauri, Chamba block, Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India | International Journal of Environmental Sciences | NA | 2023 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Dr. Asha Dobhal |
3 | Journal | Floristic inventory of S. R. T. campus of HNB Garhwal University (Badshahi Thaul, Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand): A semi-natural environment | Environment Conservation Journal | NA | 2023 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Dr. Asha Dobhal |
4 | Book | | UTTARAKHAND KI LOK SANSKRIT I:VIVIDH AAYAM | | 2023 | Any Other | National | Dr. Nishant Bhatt |
5 | Book Chapter | Soil microbed and their interactions | Green Chemistry and Environmental Management | - | 2023 | Any Other | National Journal | Dr. Padma Vashist |
6 | Journal | Bhartiya Sanskriti ka Paramparik swaroop | Uttarakhand Sanskriti Evam Partyan | | 2023 | Any Other | National | Dr. Pradeep Kumar Petwal |
7 | Journal | New Education Policy Acceptability in India | Samdarshi | | 2023 | Any Other | National Journal | Dr. Preeti Sharma |
8 | Book | Housing and Extension Education | Home Science | | 2023 | Any Other | National | Dr. Preeti Sharma |
11 | Book Chapter | RESEARCH AND INNOVATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION | NEWEDUCATION POLICY 2020: AN ANALYTICAL VISION | | 2023 | Any Other | National | Smt. Sakshi Shukla |
12 | Journal | DEVELOPMENT OF METAL-ORGANIC FRAMEWORKS AND ITS CATALYTIC APPLICATIONS | JOURNALGLOBAL VALUES APRIL PART-2 | 8.835 (SJIF) | 2023 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Smt. Sakshi Shukla |
13 | Journal | Universal Basic Income: Concept and Relevance in pandemic influenced economy | UPUEA Journal | | 2022 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Dr. Pooja Bhhandari |
14 | Book Chapter | Floral Diversity in and around Asan Reservoir-A Case Study | Climate Change and Conservation of Biodiversity and Natural Resources in the Himalayan Environment | | 2022 | Any Other | National | Dr. Arti Khanduri |
15 | Book Chapter | Analytical Study of Choice Based Credit System | New Education Policy 2020 an Analytical Vision | | 2022 | Any Other | National | Dr. Arti Khanduri |
16 | Journal | बदलते अन्र्तराष्ट्रीय परिवेश में भारत-नेपाल सम्बन्ध | Printing Area | 7.891 (IIJIF) | 2022 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
17 | Journal | जम्मू-कश्मीर राज्य में अनुच्छेद 370 की समाप्ति एवं राज्य का पुनर्गठन | VIDYAWARTA | 8.14 (IIJIF) | 2022 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
18 | Journal | भारत में मादक पदार्थों की बढ़ती तस्करी एवं उसका समाज पर प्रभाव | Creative Space: International Journal | 4.006 | 2022 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
19 | Journal | भारत में मादक पदार्थों की बढ़ती तस्करी एवं उसका समाज पर प्रभाव | Creative Space: International Journal | 4.006 | 2022 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Kamlesh Chandra Pandey |
20 | Book Chapter | 1857 की क्रांति के सैनिक कारणाें का विश्लेषणात्मक अध्ययन | 1857 के स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के अविवेचित पक्ष | | 2022 | Any Other | National | Dr. Kamlesh Chandra Pandey |
21 | Book | BRITISH LITERATURE:THE EARLY 20TH CENTURY | BRITISH LITERATURE:THE EARLY 20TH CENTURY | | 2022 | Any Other | National | Dr. Nishant Bhatt |
22 | Journal | length--weight relationship in Channa striatus | VOYAGER,A Journal of Sciences | 8.005( SJIF) | 2022 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Padma Vashist |
23 | Journal | Morphometric Analysis of Channa strisatus | | 8.324 CSJIF | 2022 | Peer Refereed | International Journal | Dr. Padma Vashist |
24 | Book | New Education Policy 2020 An Analytical Vision | NEP 2020 | | 2022 | Any Other | National | Dr. Preeti Sharma |
25 | Journal | Assessment of Energy and Protein Intake of Pregnant women with vegetarian and Non-vegetarian Diet | Multidisciplinary and Open Access Research Journal | | 2022 | Peer Reviewed | International | Dr. Preeti Sharma |
26 | Journal | Indian Automobile Industry: Opportunity Threat and Challenge | International Research Journal of Management Sociology & Humanities | Impact Factor* - 7.8012 | 2022 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Satyendra Kumar |
27 | Book | Impact of Flow on Aquatic Biodiversity of the River Tons, Uttarakhand, India Asheesh Shivam Mishra, Amitabh Chandra Dwivedi, Vijay Prakash Semwal and Indu Singh | Climate Change and Conservation of Biodiversity and Natural Resources in the Himalayan Environment | | 2022 | Any Other | International | Dr. Vijay Prakash Semwal |
28 | Book Chapter | NEP 2020 An Analytical Vision | New Education Policy 2020 | | 2022 | Any Other | National | Mr. NAVEEN SINGH RAWAT |
29 | Journal | Economic Dimensions of Tourism in Uttarakhand | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research | 5.87 | 2021 | Any Other | International Journal | Dr. Pooja Bhhandari |
30 | Book Chapter | भारतीय सशस्त्र सेनाओं में महिलाओं का योगदान: एक विश्लेषण | भारतीय समाज में महिला सशक्तिकरण संपूर्ण समाज का उत्थान | | 2021 | Any Other | National | Dr. Kamlesh Chandra Pandey |
31 | Book Chapter | भारत में छोटे हथियारों का प्रसार: एक विश्लेषणात्मक अध्ययन | दक्षिण एशिया की राजनैतिक एवं सामासिक संस्कृति में भारत की भूमिका | | 2021 | Any Other | National | Dr. Kamlesh Chandra Pandey |
32 | Journal | छोटे हथियारों का व्यापार एवं मानव सुरक्षा | Asian Journal of advance Studies | | 2021 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Kamlesh Chandra Pandey |
33 | Journal | अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सीमाओं से छोटे हथियारों की तस्करी (भारतीय सीमावर्ती राज्यों के विशेष संदर्भ में) | Creative Space: International Journal | | 2021 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Kamlesh Chandra Pandey |
34 | Journal | छत्तीसगढ़ में नक्सलवाद: समस्या एवं समाधान | Journal of Humanities and Culture | | 2021 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Kamlesh Chandra Pandey |
35 | Book Chapter | IMPORTANCE OF ENV IRONMENTAL EDUCATION IN EFFECTIVE MANER | Biodiversity sustainability and environmental education | | 2021 | Any Other | National | Dr. Nishant Bhatt |
36 | Journal | kndreda Garh ka Adhipati : Baga Jesaani | Ruminations A peer-Reviewed Bi-Annual International Journal. | 5.25 | 2021 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. P.C. Painuli |
37 | Book Chapter | Yamuna-Tons Uptyka me kall evm esthaptya | Social Tolerance in Indian Literature and Traditions | -- | 2021 | Any Other | National | Dr. P.C. Painuli |
38 | Journal | Morphometric Analysis of Channa strisatus | Review journal of Philosophy and Social Science | 8.324 CSJIF | 2021 | Peer Refereed | International Journal | Dr. Padma Vashist |
39 | Journal | length--weight relationship in Pangassius pangassius | Research journal of philosphy & social science | 8.324 CSJIF | 2021 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Padma Vashist |
40 | Book | • Impact of COVID-19 on educational activities in India, theoretical aspect | emerging trend in online education | | 2021 | Any Other | National | Mr. Subhash Chandra Nautiyal |
41 | Journal | AMINO-ACID FUNCTIONALIZED METAL-ORGANIC FRAMEWORKS FOR ASYMMETRIC BAASE-METAL CATALYSIS | ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE | 15.336 | 2021 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Smt. Sakshi Shukla |
42 | Journal | Miraculous Physiological Activities of Vitamin D and its role in Human Health and diseases | Science and Culture | | 2020 | Any Other | National Journal | Dr. A.M. Painuly |
43 | Book | E-Learning COVID-19 Pandemic : Impact in Education | Covid 19 ; Impact, Challenges and Implications in India | | 2020 | Any Other | National | Dr. A.M. Painuly |
44 | Book | NEP 2020 | New EDUCATION POLICY 2020 AN ANALYTICAL VISSION | | 2020 | Any Other | National | Dr. A.M. Painuly |
45 | Book Chapter | Women (ICDS), Sports and Youth Developme and Others | Economic Survey of the State of Uttarakhand | | 2020 | Any Other | National Journal | Dr. Bharti Jaiswal |
46 | Book Chapter | शक्ति सन्तुलन, सामूहिक सुरक्षा, सामूहिक रक्षा | युद्ध और शान्ति के सैद्धान्तिक पक्ष | | 2020 | Any Other | National | Dr. Deependra Singh Topwal |
47 | Journal | भारत की आन्तरिक सुरक्षा समस्या, चुनौतियां एवं खतरे: एक समीक्षा | Vidyawarta | Impact Factor 6.021 (IIJIF) Cosmos Inpact Factor 5.234 | 2020 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
48 | Journal | दक्षिण एशियाई क्षेत्रीय सहयोग संगठनः एक विश्लेषण | Printing Area | 7.387 | 2020 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
49 | Journal | नेपाल के प्रति चीन का रूख और उसका भारतीय सुरक्षा पर प्रभाव | Printing Area | 7.387 | 2020 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
50 | Book Chapter | दक्षिण एशिया में अमेरिका की स्त्रातेजी और उसका भारतीय सुरक्षा पर प्रभाव | दक्षिणी एशियाई प्रशान्त क्षेत्र के स्त्राॅतेजिक वातावरण में भारतीय वैदेशिक सम्बन्ध | | 2020 | Any Other | National | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
51 | Book | A Reference Book: Plant Science Research Journals. | A Reference Book | | 2020 | UGC Listed Journal | National | Dr. Hemlata Bisht |
52 | Book Chapter | वैश्विक भू राजनीति के दौर में भारत के लिए हिंद प्रशांत क्षेत्र की प्रासंगिकता | दक्षिणी एशियाई प्रशान्त क्षेत्र के स्त्राॅतेजिक वातावरण में भारतीय वैदेशिक सम्बन्ध | | 2020 | Any Other | National | Dr. Kamlesh Chandra Pandey |
53 | Book | दक्षिणी एशियाई प्रशान्त क्षेत्र के स्त्राॅतेजिक वातावरण में भारतीय वैदेशिक सम्बन्ध | दक्षिणी एशियाई प्रशान्त क्षेत्र के स्त्राॅतेजिक वातावरण में भारतीय वैदेशिक सम्बन्ध | | 2020 | Any Other | National | Dr. Kamlesh Chandra Pandey |
54 | Book Chapter | भारत रूस दोस्ती का नया दौर तथा भारतीय सुरक्षा | दक्षिणी एशियाई प्रशान्त क्षेत्र के स्त्राॅतेजिक वातावरण में भारतीय वैदेशिक सम्बन्ध | | 2020 | Any Other | National | Dr. Kamlesh Chandra Pandey |
55 | Journal | मणिपुर में उग्रवाद एवं छोटे हथियारों का प्रसार | Remarking An Analisation | SJIF 6.509 IIJIF 6.134 | 2020 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Kamlesh Chandra Pandey |
56 | Journal | आतंकवाद की जड़ छोटे हथियार | Innovation the Research Concept | SJIF 5.756 IIJIF 4.112 | 2020 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Dr. Kamlesh Chandra Pandey |
57 | Journal | Contribution of Bal gangadhar Tilak in Indian Nationalism | The U HR I research journal of geographical and environmental studies | | 2020 | Peer Refereed | National Journal | Dr. Nishant Bhatt |
58 | Book | COVID 19 Impact, Challenges and Implications in India | | | 2020 | Any Other | National | Dr. Preeti Sharma |
59 | Book Chapter | Socio Economic Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic in india | covid 19 Impact Challenges and Implications in India | | 2020 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Rajni Gusain |
61 | Journal | SDGs with reference to Uttarakhand Economy | UPUEA Economic Journal | | 2019 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Dr. Pooja Bhhandari |
62 | Journal | Skill India and Its Impact | International Journal of Scientific Research | | 2019 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Pooja Bhhandari |
63 | Journal | Adsorption of Adinine ( Nuclic Acid Bases ) on Metal Ferrocynides in Relavance to origin of Life | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research | | 2019 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. A.M. Painuly |
64 | Book Chapter | Women (ICDS), Sports and Youth Developme and Others | Economic Survey | Government Publication | 2019 | Any Other | National | Dr. Bharti Jaiswal |
65 | Journal | नेपाल में आई0एस0आई0 की भूमिका और भारतीय सुरक्षा | Vidyawarta | 6.021 IIJIF | 2019 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Deependra Singh Topwal |
66 | Book Chapter | आधुनिक शिक्षा प्रणाली बनाम प्राचीन शिक्षा प्रणालीः एक दृष्टिकोण | गुरूकुल शिक्षा पद्धति एवं आधुनिक प्रवेश में इसकी प्रासंगिकता | | 2019 | Any Other | National | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
67 | Book | | भारतीय युद्धकला और कौशल (1947 तक) | | 2019 | Any Other | National | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
68 | Book | | स्वतंत्र भारत के संघर्ष और युद्ध | | 2019 | Any Other | National | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
69 | Journal | दक्षिण एशिया में अमेरिका की नीति और भारतीय सुरक्षा | Printing Area | 6.039 (IIJIF) Cosmos Inpact Factor 5.395 | 2019 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
70 | Book Chapter | आतंकवाद का वैश्विक परिदृश्य | शिक्षा, साहित्य और राष्ट्रप्रेम | | 2019 | Any Other | National | Dr. Kamlesh Chandra Pandey |
71 | Journal | आतंकवाद से प्रभावित होते भारत- पाकिस्तान संबंध | Shrinkhla Ek Shodhparak Vaicharik Patrika | SJIF 5.921 IIJIF 6.038 | 2019 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Kamlesh Chandra Pandey |
73 | Book Chapter | Women (ICDS), Sports and Youth Developme and Others | Economic Survey of the State of Uttarakhand | | 2018 | Any Other | National | Dr. Bharti Jaiswal |
74 | Book Chapter | बदलते अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय परिवेश में भारत-अमेरीका संबंधः एक नजर | भारतीय सुरक्षा एवं विदेश नीति | | 2018 | Any Other | National | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
75 | Book Chapter | चीन की सामुद्रिक महत्वाकांक्षा एवं भारतीय सुरक्षा | भारतीय सुरक्षा एवं विदेश नीति | | 2018 | Any Other | National | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
76 | Journal | भारत-इजराइल सम्बन्ध:एक अध्ययन | Vidyawarta | 4.014(IIJIF) | 2018 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
77 | Journal | मानवाधिकार की संकल्पना: एक समीक्षा | Vidyawarta | 5.131 (IIJIF) | 2018 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
78 | Journal | भारत में प्रमुख आतंकवादी हमले | Asian Journal of Advance Studies | | 2018 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Kamlesh Chandra Pandey |
79 | Journal | Humanitarian aspects in the works of John Galsworthy | The U HR I research journal of geographical and environmental studies | | 2018 | Peer Refereed | National Journal | Dr. Nishant Bhatt |
80 | Journal | Paschmi Garhwal Himalaya ka Suramey Pryatan Esthal: Majhivan. | Kalam the Power of Truth | -- | 2018 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Dr. P.C. Painuli |
81 | Journal | Paschmi Garhwal Himalaya me Tyoohaaro ka Samajic, Sanskrit Evm Paaristhikiya Mahatw | Ruminations A Peer-Reviewed Bi-Annual International Journal. | 5.25 | 2018 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. P.C. Painuli |
82 | Journal | Garhwal ke Shilpkar Pesha Unke Dwara Nirmit Kuch Dharmic avm | Shodh Manthan | 3.894 | 2018 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Rajni Gusain |
83 | Journal | ELECTRIC VEHILE: INDIAS WAY AHEAD | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OFCREATIVE RESEARCH THOUGHTS | 7.97 | 2018 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Vijay Singh Negi |
84 | Journal | A STUDY ON GST AS A NEW SOURCE OF REVENUE IN INDIA | THE UHRI RESEARCH JOURNAL | | 2018 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Vijay Singh Negi |
85 | Journal | Studies on Chemical Composition and antifungal activity of Essential oil of Ocimum gratissimum L. growing wildly in Chamba (Tehri Garhwal) Uttarakhand | IJTSRD | | 2017 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. A.M. Painuly |
86 | Journal | A Status of Invasive Alien Species Plant Diversity in Tehri District Forest Ecosystem of Garhwal Himalayan region | Current World Environment | | 2017 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Arti Khanduri |
87 | Journal | Forest Invasive Species Assessment Study in Different Village Forests of Garhwal Himalaya | Internationl Journal of Current Research and Review | 4.014 | 2017 | Scopus/Web of Science | International Journal | Dr. Arti Khanduri |
88 | Journal | Strengths ,Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (S.W.O.T) analysis, as a decision Support System in Regional Public Policy Planning: ( A Brief Overview of Corporate Analysis Tool In Policy Planning in Government Sector) | Journal of Advance Management | : 4.598. | 2017 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Bharti Jaiswal |
89 | Journal | Tourism Sector in Uttarakhand: A brief Overview after the State Formation | nternational Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences ȋ)JRESSȌ | 6.939 | 2017 | Any Other | International Journal | Dr. Bharti Jaiswal |
90 | Journal | भारत-चीन संबंध बदलता परिदृश्य | Printing Area | 4.002 IIJIF | 2017 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Deependra Singh Topwal |
91 | Journal | म्यांमार का बदलता भू-राजनीतिक परिदृश्य और भारत | Research Special KALAM the Power of Truth | | 2017 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Deependra Singh Topwal |
92 | Journal | भारत-चीन संबंधों के मध्य डोकलाम समस्या | Printing Area | 4.002 IIJIF | 2017 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Deependra Singh Topwal |
93 | Journal | प्रतिरक्षा विकास में भारत के निरन्तर बढ़ते कदम: एक उपलब्धि | Vidyawarta | 4.014 (IIJIF) | 2017 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
94 | Journal | भारत-चीन सम्बन्धों के मध्य डोकलाम समस्या | Printing Area | 4.002 (IIJIF) | 2017 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
95 | Journal | Morphometric Analysis and Correlation between Morphometric Parameters with Mean Basin Altitude and Slope: A Case study of Alaknanda Basin, Uttarakhand, India, | Global Journal for Research Analysis | Impact Factor 4.547 | 2017 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Kamini Purohit Joshi |
96 | Journal | Morphometric Analysis and Correlation between Morphometric Parameters with Mean Basin Altitude and Slope: A Case study of Alaknanda Basin, Uttarakhand, India, | Global Journal for Research Analysis, | Impact Factor 4.547 | 2017 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Kamini Purohit Joshi |
97 | Journal | रोहिंग्या समस्या और भारत की आंतरिक सुरक्षा | International Literary Quist | | 2017 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Kamlesh Chandra Pandey |
98 | Journal | JAUNSARI UTSAVON EVAM MELON MEIN SAMAJIK SANCHETNA | SHODH MANTHAN JOURNAL | 3.8942 | 2017 | Peer Refereed | National Journal | Dr. Nishant Bhatt |
99 | Journal | Paschmi Garhwal Himalaya ki Mandir Nirmaan Seli | Kalam The Power of Truth | -- | 2017 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Dr. P.C. Painuli |
100 | Journal | Paschmi Garhwal Himalaya ke melo ka Sanskrit Evm Paaristhikiya Mahatw | Indian Research Journal of Social Sciences | -- | 2017 | Peer Refereed | National Journal | Dr. P.C. Painuli |
101 | Journal | Incidence of Black Spot Infection and Growth Patterns in Schizothorax richardsonii ( Gray) and Schizothorax plagiostomus ( Heckel ) from Garhwal (West Himalaya)) ( Gray)and Schizothorax | VOYAGER A Journal of Life Sciences | 3.8919 | 2017 | Peer Refereed | International Journal | Dr. Padma Vashist |
102 | Journal | Attitude of woman towards advertisement | Recent Researches in Social Sciences and Humanities | | 2017 | Any Other | National Journal | Dr. Preeti Sharma |
103 | Journal | Social ,Cultural and Economic Effect of Tehri Dam | Kalam- The Power of Truth | | 2017 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Rajni Gusain |
104 | Book | Aquatic Biodiversity of River Mandakini and its Tributaries of the Mandakini Basin, Garhwal Himalaya Uttarakhand, India | Conservation of Aquatic Biodiversity and Emerging Trends of Freshwater Environments | | 2017 | Peer Reviewed | International | Dr. Vijay Prakash Semwal |
105 | Journal | अमृता प्रीतम के उपन्यासों का कथ्यगत परिप्रेक्ष्य : युगीन समस्याएं और निदान | Journal of Humanities and Culture | | 2016 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Ankita Bora |
106 | Journal | शेखर जोशी की कहानियों में औद्योगिक-श्रमिक की विसंगतियों का विश्लेषणात्मक अनुशीलन | Asian Journal of Advance Studies | | 2016 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Ankita Bora |
107 | Journal | Diversity of medicinal plants in Arakot-Khadikal forest area of district Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India | Environment Conservation Journal | NA | 2016 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Dr. Asha Dobhal |
108 | Journal | नये दौर में भारत-जापान संबंध | Vidyawarta | 4.014 IIJIF | 2016 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Deependra Singh Topwal |
109 | Book Chapter | चीन की भारत के प्रति नीति और उसका भारतीय सुरक्षा पर प्रभाव | भारत की शान्ति-सुरक्षा नवीन आयाम एवं चुनौतियां | | 2016 | Any Other | National | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
110 | Journal | भारत-रूस सम्बन्धः दोस्ती के नये आयाम | रक्षा अनुसंधान | | 2016 | Any Other | National Journal | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
111 | Journal | भारत-पाक सम्बन्धः मुद्दे एवं चुनौतियां | Research Special:Kalam the Power of Truth | | 2016 | Any Other | National Journal | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
112 | Journal | भारत-अमेरिका सम्बन्धों के मध्य पाकिस्तान | Vidyawarta | 4.014 (IIJIF) | 2016 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
113 | Journal | अमेरिका की विदेश नीति व सैनिक औद्योगिक तंत्र | Vidyawarta | 4.014 (IIJIF) | 2016 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
114 | Journal | Geohydrology of springs in a Mountain Watershed: A Case Study of Takoli Gad Watershed Garhwal Himalaya, | International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology | 4.550 | 2016 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Kamini Purohit Joshi |
115 | Journal | Tehri Riyasat me Janta Par Lagne Wale Tax | Shodh Manthan | 3.8942 | 2016 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Dr. Rajni Gusain |
116 | Journal | Flavanone and flavones Glycoside from Taxus baccata | J.Curr.Chem.Pharma Sc. | | 2015 | Any Other | National | Dr. A.M. Painuly |
117 | Journal | One Pot Facile Synthesis of some New Y-Y Disubstituted Butenolides | International Journal of advanced Research in Chemical Sciences | | 2015 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Dr. A.M. Painuly |
118 | Journal | Synthesis and Structural Characterization of New Δαβ Butenolides of Pharmacological Interest | Indian Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry | | 2015 | Any Other | National Journal | Dr. A.M. Painuly |
119 | Journal | दक्षेस: एक चुनौती | Research Special: Kalam the Power of Truth | | 2015 | Any Other | National Journal | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
120 | Book Chapter | दक्षिण एशिया में छोटे हथियारों का प्रसार और भारतीय सुरक्षा पर प्रभाव | 21वीं सदी में राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा के समकालीन मुद्दे | | 2015 | Any Other | National | Dr. Kamlesh Chandra Pandey |
121 | Journal | Mahan Sangathan karta : Shwami ShRdhha Nand | Nagri Patrika | | 2015 | UGC Listed Journal | National | Dr. Pradeep Kumar Petwal |
122 | Journal | | | | 2015 | UGC Listed Journal | National | Dr. Pradeep Kumar Petwal |
123 | Journal | Brihatree main Naishdhiya Charit ka Mahatuwa | Vishwa Jyoti | | 2015 | UGC Listed Journal | National | Dr. Pradeep Kumar Petwal |
124 | Journal | Impact of ROI on Capital Employed: A Study of Automobile Industry | A Radix International Journal of Research in Social Science | | 2015 | Peer Refereed | International Journal | Dr. Satyendra Kumar |
125 | Journal | Devaluation of Non-Economic Values in Advertising and its Impact on Socio-Economic Environment of Uttarakhand | Asian Resonance | SJIF (2016) 5.706,GIF (2016) 0.876 | 2015 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Satyendra Kumar |
126 | Book Chapter | Spatial Distribution of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Fauna in Mountain Streams of Uttarakhand, India | Aquatic Ecosystem: Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation | | 2015 | Peer Refereed | International | Dr. Vijay Prakash Semwal |
127 | Journal | नई कहानी आंदोलन के संदर्भ में शेखर जोशी की कहानी | International Research Journal of Management Sociology & Humanities | 7.8012 | 2014 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Ankita Bora |
128 | Journal | ASEAN in the minor of History | International Journal of Research Thought | | 2014 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
129 | Journal | Factors Affecting Empowerment of Women in Garhwal Himalaya (A Case Study of Pauri Garhwal) | International Journal in Management and Social Science | | 2014 | Peer Reviewed | International Journal | Dr. Pushpa Panwar |
130 | Book | Catastrophic and Anthropogenic Natural Disaster in Upper Ganga Basin: Ecologically Fragile Himalayan Area Management and Mitegation in Uttarakhand State, India | Uttarakhand Disaster Contemporary Issues of Climate Change & Development With Holistic Approach | | 2014 | Peer Reviewed | International | Dr. Vijay Prakash Semwal |
131 | Journal | भारत-बांग्लादेश सम्बन्धः बनाम मुद्दे | Research Special: Kalam the Power of Truth | | 2013 | Peer Refereed | National | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
132 | Journal | इतिहास के आइने में आसियान | DOCTRINE | | 2013 | Any Other | National Journal | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
133 | Journal | ASEAN in the minor of History | DOCTRINE | | 2013 | Any Other | National Journal | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
134 | Book Chapter | Slope Aspects and Geological Framework of Alaknanda Valley, Distt. Chamoli”Slope Aspects and Geological Framework of Alaknanda Valley, Distt. Chamoli” | Landslide and Environmental degradation | | 2013 | Any Other | National Journal | Dr. Kamini Purohit Joshi |
135 | Journal | नक्सलवाद एवं छोटे हथियारों का भारत की आंतरिक सुरक्षा पर प्रभाव | Toonir | | 2013 | Any Other | National Journal | Dr. Kamlesh Chandra Pandey |
136 | Book Chapter | भारतीय राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा के लिए एक खतरे के रूप में आतंकवाद | आतंकवाद एवं भारत की सुरक्षा: संकल्प- विकल्प | | 2013 | Any Other | National | Dr. Kamlesh Chandra Pandey |
137 | Journal | Effect of Migration on Women in Rural Areas of Pauri Garhwal: A Case Study | Aryabhatta Journal of Mathematics & Informatics | | 2013 | UGC Listed Journal | International Journal | Dr. Pushpa Panwar |
138 | Journal | अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय आतंकवादः समस्या एवं समाधान | Research Special: Kalam the Power of Truth | | 2012 | Any Other | National | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
139 | Journal | पाकिस्तान की ओर अमेरिकी झुकाव और उसका भारतीय सुरक्षा पर प्रभाव | रक्षा अनुसंधान | | 2012 | Any Other | National | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
140 | Journal | सीमा विवादः भारत चीन सम्बन्धों के विशेष परिप्रेक्ष्य में | Suraksha Paridrishya | | 2012 | Peer Refereed | National Journal | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
141 | Journal | इतिहास के आइने में अफगानिस्तान | Research Special: Kalam the Power of Truth | | 2012 | Peer Refereed | National | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
142 | Book | Traditional Water Management: Practices of Uttarakhand | Traditional Water Management: Practices of Uttarakhand | | 2012 | Any Other | International | Dr. Manikant Shah |
143 | Journal | An Anthropological Study of Bhoxa Tribe in Block Vikas Nagar | Shodh Manthan | | 2012 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Dr. Rajni Gusain |
144 | Journal | An Anthropological Study of Bhoxa Tribe in Block Vikas Nagar | Shodh Manthan | | 2012 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Dr. Rajni Gusain |
145 | Journal | Attitude of Tax Payers towards Direct Tax Code: A Case Study of Dehradun (Uttarakhand) | Management Vistas | | 2012 | Peer Reviewed | National Journal | Dr. Satyendra Kumar |
146 | Journal | Customers’ Awareness towards Banking Services: a Study of Urban Areas of Uttarakhand | South Asian Journal of Marketing & Management Research | Global Impact Factor(2015 - 0.643) | 2012 | Peer Refereed | International Journal | Dr. Satyendra Kumar |
147 | Journal | Capital Structure Analysis of Telecom. Industry-A Case Study of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (BSNL, 2006-2010 | International Journal of Commerce & Management | | 2012 | Peer Refereed | International Journal | Dr. Satyendra Kumar |
148 | Book Chapter | वैदिक कालीन इतिहास में युद्धकला एवं सैन्य पद्धति का महत्व:एक अध्ययन | नई सदी का भारतःदशा एवं दिशा | | 2011 | Any Other | National | Dr. Deependra Singh Topwal |
149 | Book Chapter | वैदिक कालीन इतिहास में युद्धकला एवं सैन्य पद्धिति का महत्वः एक अध्ययन | नई सदी का भारतः दशा एवं दिशा | | 2011 | Any Other | National | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
150 | Journal | बदलते परिवेश में भारत-अमेरिका सम्बन्ध | ’सुरक्षा परिदृश्य | | 2011 | Any Other | National | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
151 | Journal | चीन की नई सामरिक नीति और भारतीय सुरक्षा | Research Special: Kalam the Power of Truth | | 2011 | Any Other | National | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
152 | Journal | भारत-पाक विभाजनः बनाम मुद्दे | सुरक्षा चिन्तन | | 2011 | Any Other | National | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
153 | Journal | नेपाल में आई0 एस0 आई0 की भूमिका और भारतीय सुरक्षा | DOCTRINE | | 2011 | Any Other | National | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
154 | Journal | अमेरिका का पाकिस्तान को सहयोग और भारतीय सुरक्षा | Kritika | | 2011 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
155 | Journal | Effect of Family Environment on Academic Achievements of Students | Humanities and Development | | 2011 | Any Other | National Journal | Dr. Preeti Sharma |
156 | Journal | Role of Socio-Economic Factors Which Affect the Out-Migration in Rural Areas of Uttarakhand: A Case Study | Aryabhatta Journal of Mathematics & Informatics | | 2011 | UGC Listed Journal | National Journal | Dr. Pushpa Panwar |
157 | Journal | नक्सलवादः भारत की आन्तरिक सुरक्षा के लिए चुनौती | सुरक्षा परिदृश्य | | 2010 | Any Other | National | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
158 | Journal | भारत की आन्तरिक सुरक्षा समस्याएं, चुनौतियां एवं समाधान | Toonir | | 2010 | Any Other | National | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
159 | Journal | मानवाधिकारः अर्थ एवं प्रासंगिकता | Human Rights Initiative | | 2010 | Any Other | National | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
160 | Journal | नक्सलवाद और भारतीय सुरक्षा | DOCTRINE | | 2010 | Any Other | National | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
161 | Journal | भारत-चीन सम्बन्धः दोस्ती के नये आयाम | DOCTRINE | | 2010 | Any Other | National | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
162 | Book Chapter | राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा की अवधारणाः विश्व परिप्रेक्ष्य में | राष्ट्रीय एकीकरण और सुरक्षा | | 2010 | Any Other | National | Dr. Deerghpal Singh Bhandari |
163 | Journal | Karn Mandir Devra : Esthaptya Evm Prmpraye. | Madhyabharti | -- | 2010 | Peer Refereed | National Journal | Dr. P.C. Painuli |